Thursday, 24 November 2011

Intergraph PV Elite 2012 Release is now available

Intergraph has released PV Elite 2012 with new features, code updates, and productivity enhancements for vessel and exchanger design and analysis. The release includes updates for ASME Section VIII Division 1 and 2, PD 5500, and several wind/seismic codes and the addition of the ASME Appendix 41 code for EIH support plates and the ASME code case 2695 that uses Division 2 formulas with Division 1 allowable stresses. PV Elite 2012 also includes the ASME pure-metric yield database. A PV Elite webinar on December 14, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time will discuss the new features and enhancements in PV Elite 2012.

For information about the release and webinar, visit

For details about the enhancements, visit To register for the December 14th webinar, visit