Thursday, 24 November 2011

Intergraph PV Elite 2012 Release is now available

Intergraph has released PV Elite 2012 with new features, code updates, and productivity enhancements for vessel and exchanger design and analysis. The release includes updates for ASME Section VIII Division 1 and 2, PD 5500, and several wind/seismic codes and the addition of the ASME Appendix 41 code for EIH support plates and the ASME code case 2695 that uses Division 2 formulas with Division 1 allowable stresses. PV Elite 2012 also includes the ASME pure-metric yield database. A PV Elite webinar on December 14, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time will discuss the new features and enhancements in PV Elite 2012.

For information about the release and webinar, visit

For details about the enhancements, visit To register for the December 14th webinar, visit

CADWorx Plant piping modelling

Friday, 11 November 2011

What's New in PV Elite® 2012 and CodeCalc 2012

Webinar CAESAR II Interfaces with Smart3D and CADWorx Plant

Don't Miss This Webinar – CAESAR II Interfaces with Smart3D and CADWorx Plant
Register to Attend the Upcoming Intergraph Webinar

Don't Miss This Webinar – CAESAR II Interfaces with Smart3D and CADWorx Plant
You are invited to attend our CAESAR II webinar focusing on interfaces with Smart3D and CADWorx Plant.
This Webinar will demonstrate how both of Intergraph's 3D offerings can transfer a high percentage of a piping systems attributes to the analysis environment thus leaving the analysis to get on with the 'analysis task' rather than modelling.
Join our webinar to see an illustration of how the time to 'analysis approval' is reduced through the use of Intergraph's Smart3D and CADWorx Plant in supplying necessary attribute data to CAESAR II.
Please use your business email address when registering for verification purposes. Within a few hours of registration and approval, you will receive your personalized link to attend the webinar.
Date: Tuesday 15 November 2011
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm AEDT
Note: A time zone conversion chart is available on the registration page. Please register with your business e-mail address for verification purposes.
Feel free to forward this message to your colleagues so they can also benefit from attending this informative webinar!
Intergraph CADWorx Webinars

Visit our CADWorx webinar page to see the upcoming webinar schedule and download previously recorded webinars. 

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Monday, 17 October 2011

Intergraph CADWorx Fieldpipe webinar and PV Elite webinar

Intergraph CADWorx Fieldpipe webinar and PV Elite webinar

CADWorx fieldPipe Webinar: Intelligent Specification-driven 3D Plant Models from Laser Scan Data
Join us and learn how easy it is to build intelligent specification-driven 3D plant models from laser scan data, all within a unified AutoCAD environment. The same 3D model can be used to automatically create deliverables such as fabrication isometrics, plans, sections, elevations, and complete BOM's. You will also see how bi-directional links to CAESAR II, for pipe stress analysis, can save you time and money, and make your operations safer. Come and see how you can improve your design efficiency by using point cloud data.

What you will learn:

How to create intelligent 3D models from your laser scan output
How to quickly generate as-builts using the world's most flexible plant design tool
How to use point clouds to accurately insert inline components into the design model
Which tools will provide quick turnarounds on critical as built projects
How to automatically create accurate design deliverables

Click this link for more details!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

PM Corner - Zero Flow Heat Transfer
Live webinar: Friday, 30th September 2011, 3pm (BST)

Zero Flow Heat Transfer

Date: Friday, 30th September 2011
Time: 3pm (BST)
Duration: 1 hour (approx.)

The ZFHT enhancement will provide Automotive vehicle engineers with the capability to model "rapid warm-up" cooling strategies where zero coolant flow is present during some part of the engine warm-up process. The key changes from V7.8.1 will be as follows:

Enabling heat transfer analysis in networks (or in branches thereof) that contain commonly used cooling system components:

Where flow conditions are below the Minimum Flow Tolerance set by the user, or are below the minimum threshold of 1e-06 kg/s.

Including both ‘Axial HT’(2) between components, and ‘Radial HT’(3) in individual components.

And with provision for user definable Heat Transfer Coefficients (HTC) for the respective convective(4) paths.

Providing automatic:

Recognition of a "zero-flow" condition, i.e. no requirement for the user to individually set components to zero-flow.

Transition based on Reynolds Number, from "zero-flow" to "low-flow" regimes and vice-versa.

N.B. The ZFHT capability is currently awaiting validation. At V7.8.2, the ZFHT capability will therefore only be an option that users can enable with the approval of the relevant Sales Office and the Ground Transportation Product Manager.

(2) Axial HT denotes ‘fluid cell to fluid cell’ heat transfer

(3) Radial HT denotes fluid to wall’ and ‘wall to external’ heat transfer

(4) Conduction is automatically calculated and accounted for in the total value of reported Axial HT
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If you are unable to attend the webinar and would like to receive the recording please click here

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Greater Development Experience with Flowmaster® V7


Understand how Hansen are working with the Flowmaster V7 software to further increase the robustness of the lubrication system and at the same time reduce time-to-market. Learn how this successful partnership can help you grow.

For the full story, click here.